how to write perfect seo and professional locking post in blog
Today we will deal with an issue that I believe employs most (if not all) blogger and this is writing good articles on our blog. I will describe that is how you can add quality and attractiveness to your post, purely subjective views which tithontai at your disposal for review, acceptance or rejection, and generally relaxed chat with you through comments .
Short and catchy title
The first one I want to start are the headers your posts. The heading of the suspension (or its title) is very important whether to move the reader to read the post or not. The heading should be a small, intelligent texts with few words, attractive, which will "pull" the reader's interest to make the coveted "click"!Pictures
How easy is it for someone to read a text in which the images are absent compared with a text containing images? The images give the text avitality which makes it pleasing to the eye of the reader and encourageto continue reading. Depending on the length of the suspension and using the appropriate number of images. Move somewhere in the middle, do not let your articles completely "naked" pictures, but not to do and to excesses!Paragraphs
Another important factor that makes each post more readable is to use paragraphs. From small we learned in school that "paragraph is a standalone document that has unity sense and closely related to the overall text" . The image of a screed text discourages the average user who, judging by myself, will sit to educational , simply press the button "X ".Normal font size
Yes, there is the zoom. But there are people who either do not know how to change or will not even take care of that to change and go to the next page. Your text should be "offered" to read in the sense that they must not consist of very small font , but even by huge letters . We once again find something in between, an intermediate size font, clean and legible .Welcome - Gay style
Take care not to be " cold "to your readers. Good to start every new post with a friendly greeting , a gesture that will make the reader feel somewhat more " hot "on your page and navigate within it with greater comfort .Huge posts
You must avoid them ! No need to write great posts. Not because you get tired, but just because it is very likely to not ever read (whole, at least)! Put yourself in the reader and ask yourself if you were sitting reading a post-book on a topic. If in any case you are willing to share vast amounts of information with your audience, share slowly separating your subject intosmaller, shorter posts . This helps because 1) readers see that your blog is updated often and 2) small post is, as mentioned earlier, more attractive.Do not escape the topic
He has received many times ( and I write this text even the fight ) to get carried away by what I really want to write and come to writing ... other d'others! Try to stay focused on the topic for which you want to write and not affected by other issues that you may prove interesting during authoring. Open a text editor full screen and stay on it until you have finished your text. Otherwise, readers will be confused since you read for ten or more things in one post and you have finally lost its meaning .Most important, do not you get the message that you want, so the purpose of the suspension obviously failed.Links (links)
Last but not least as they say (our friends) English ... Try to make the text you write to interact linking them together by links (links). This will help your page both in terms of traffic , one that readers will jump from one article to another, and in terms of SEO (customizing your page in search engines). Once again it must however be careful not to overdo it (remember that behind the computer as another man and not a robot). These are suggestions / advice me on how to write good, quality articles on your blog. As I pointed out in the beginning is purely subjective viewsand I expect your comments on this topic. What you observe when you write and what advice would you give to me and to the other blogger to improve our articles?Like the Post? Share with your Friends:-